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Welcome to Scoil Naomh Treasa’s website

Tiernasligo National School (Scoil Naomh Treasa) is a rural, Co-Educational National School under the patronage of the Derry diocese.  There is currently a pupil enrolment of 58.  There are 4 permanent teachers (3 mainstream, 1 SET), a SNA, a secretary, a caretaker, a cleaner and we have visiting teachers and coaches  who cover the areas of learning support, drama  music , playground Games , GAA    and more.  The school derives much of its population from the beautiful surrounding area, with the school a focal point in our community. 


 • There is a positive atmosphere in the school that is supported by very caring relationships with the pupils.

 • The teaching principal is committed to the continued development of teaching and learning.

• The members of the board of management support the work of the school purposefully.

• The parents’ association works diligently to fundraise in support of the school.

 • The overall learning achievements of pupils are commendable.

 • The celebration of the pupils’ literacy and artistic work is highly commendable.

• The pupils have an excellent record of sporting achievements.


Our School Staff:

Acting Principal : Patricia Mc Gonagle

Acting Vice Principal : Emma Devlin 

Middle Room Class Teacher: Emma Devlin (2nd, 3rd, 4th) 

Senior Room Class Teacher: Róise McLaughlin/Theresa Doherty (5th & 6th)
SET Class Teacher: Brídín Bradley

Special Needs Assistant: Anna Marie Doherty

Secretary: Breda Harkin

Caretaker: John Jackie Doherty

Cleaner: Elaine Harkin


Board of Management and Roles:

Chairperson: John J Friel

Principal: Patricia Mc Gonagle

Teacher Nominee: Emma Devlin

Secretary: Michelle Doherty

Treasurer: Patrick Harkin

Parent Nominee 1: Michelle Doherty

Parent Nominee 2: Daniel Mc Donald

Community Nominee 1 : Brian Harkin

Community Nominee 2: Susan McCarron


Parents Committee and Roles

Chairperson: Yvonne Walsh

Assistant Chairperson: Jenny Duffy

Treasurer: Siobhan Doherty

Assistant Treasurer: Natasha McLaughlin

Secretary: Sandra Mc Donald

Assistant Secretary: to be cofirmed


 Our School Day:

Our classes start at 8:50 am and finish at 1:30pm for children in Infant classes and 2:30pm for all others.







Please see attached Advert for Principal Teacher 



We are now part of the Creative Schools Initiative

ITSC 2024

Seachtain Na Gaeilge

Contact Us


© Copyright 2018 by M.O. Donnell 

Phone; 074 9376359​




Tiernasligo, Clonmany, Co Donegal, Ireland

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